Students from Carinda, Weilmoringle, Wanaring, Engonnia, Girilambone, Hermidale, Gwabegar, Bourke-Walgett School of Distance Education, Louth travel to Nyngan to attend a small schools' SUPERCAMP on alternating years. Students participate in many engaging educational activities, some of which include soccer, netball, Science, Art, Drama and Dance. Groups of high school students from a number of Independent Schools in Sydney assist the organisers from the Uniting Church Australia with these activities.
Supercamp provides a variety of activities and social experiences for our students and is a very special time for all those who attend. We extend our thanks to all organisers, especially Margaret Coddington, Angela Lewis, and Julie Greig, Rural Chaplain, Uniting Church in Australia who work tirelessly to ensure this event continues for the benefit of all our students.